Tuesday 13 August 2013

Lush honey bee bath bomb review

The honey bee bath bomb is by far my favourite smelling bath bomb from lush. However the colour it turns the bath water is enough to completely put me off, it looks disgusting! it's like getting into a bath of pee! 
Eventually I was able to get over this and actually get in, and with my eyes closed it was lovely, it did feel quite moisturising. I was hoping the smell would linger on my skin but it didn't. Although my bathroom did smell nice for a few hours afterwards.  
Overall I don't think I will repurchase this, it was of no real benefit to my skin and I hated the colour it turned the water, it also left a yellow water mark around the bath, which took a bit of scrubbing to get off. 
On the plus side I can still enjoy the smell by using honey I washed the kids soap - which smells the same without the mess!

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